5 Reasons to Pray

By Brian Westaway

In these uncertain times I am sure there have been many prayers asking God to bring an end to this current COVID-19 pandemic. I am sure there have been prayers for God’s healing hand on those who are sick from the virus, prayers for doctors and nurses and other members of our service communities, including police and emergency service workers, and prayers for protection from the virus for family and friends.

Judy and I have been praying all of these prayers in recent weeks, but this morning we were led to give thanks to God for the mercy he has shown our nation in the slowing of the pandemic and for the relatively small numbers affected or who have died here in Australia. We also prayed that God would show mercy to those in other nations so much more badly affected than ourselves and to comfort those who are grieving the loss of loved ones.

Yet, we also remember that there are many other things to be thanking God for — and to be praying about — at this time beyond the current pandemic.

But in this, or any other time, why pray at all? 

Here are five reasons why prayer is such a valuable activity for all believers:

Firstly, the very act of prayer is an acknowledgment that we don’t have all the answers and we don’t have total power to govern our lives and that of this world. This current time surely underlines this reality. There are things we don’t understand and many things we cannot control or do, no matter how much time and effort we expend. 

Secondly, prayer reminds us of our reliance on God and to acknowledge the One who knows all things — the beginning from the end and everything in between — and who has the power to change things. For, this is his creation and there is nothing outside his control.

Thirdly, prayer reminds us that in the midst of life God desires that we draw close to him and share with him the things on our hearts and minds. It reminds us that we are not alone and encourages us to draw on him and to deepen our relationship with him. Just as Jesus says:

‘Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’

– Matthew 11:28

Fourthly, prayer helps us to attune our hearts and minds—what we ask for and what we desire — with that of God himself. As we listen and reflect, seek to discern his heart for us and his world, we are drawn in to his creative and redemptive purposes.

Fifthly, we are reminded that prayer is not something we merely do on our own, but we also do corporately as his people. Prayer is evidence of our being the gathered people of God – his people, who turn to him and put our faith and trust in him, not the things of this world.

Finally, in all our prayers we are reminded to give thanks! Thankfulness should permeate our prayer lives, both individually and corporately – thankfulness not just for what God is doing, but for who he is and for his love for us.

So, there’s five reasons to keep on praying. Let’s keep our eyes fixed on him in these challenging times, trusting in his goodness and mercy and great love.